There are car seat laws and seatbelt laws. There are helmet laws to protect the brain from a blow to the head. Why are there no laws to protect our children from brain damage caused by neurotoxic food, drug, and vaccine additives?
Football players wear helmets. The NFL won’t allow a player on the field without an approved one. Many bicycle riders do, too. In fact, this simple method of protecting the brain from damage following a blow to the head is required by law almost everywhere in the U.S. for kids under a certain age. Sure, it’s a bother to make certain that your helmet is in the right place, and that it’s fastened properly over your head – or your kid’s head. But to prevent brain damage? That’s certainly worth a little inconvenience.
So, why are we feeding our children and grandchildren food that is known to damage their brains instead of taking the time to feed them real food?
Doctors who practice mainstream medicine are trained to cure diseases. They’re not in the business of preventing illness. They could, of course, be taught prevention – if the establishment would allow it. But if there was prevention, how would Big Pharma make its billions? And think of the mega-rich who are Big Pharma stockholders. They have to profit, too.
Big Food is in business to make money. But it doesn’t seem to be satisfied with simply making huge profits when a king’s ransom could easily be had. Certainly, they advertise to make the consumer want to buy more and more of what they’re selling. You can’t fault that unless the things that they’re advertising – often directly to children – don’t tell the whole truth about their products, Sadly, there are many advertisers that can be faulted, including those who advertise that MSG, an excitotoxic, brain damaging flavor enhancer is a harmless food additive.
So, why are we feeding our children and grandchildren food that is known to damage their brains?
For those who care about the little ones in their lives, here are the tools you’ll need to help them:
The Young are particularly at risk
For those who care about our civilization, these are things you need to know about the glutamate industry and the people who openly run it and their comrades behind the scenes:
Data from the 1960s and 1970s demonstrate that MSG causes brain damage.
Propaganda 101: The 8 ingredients in cutting edge propaganda
Is this propaganda hiding in the business section of your newspaper?
Sometimes you just have to stand up there and lie.
If you have questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you. If you have hints for others on how to avoid exposure to MfG, send them along, too, and we’ll put them up on Facebook. Or you can reach us at and follow us on Twitter @truthlabeling.