Like everything else the “Glutes” put out to deceive you into believing that MSG is “safe,” claiming that the safety of MSG is controversial is part of their basic con.
The only “controversy” here is that the Glutes continue to say MSG is “safe” despite clear and copious data demonstrating MSG is toxic.
There really is nothing to debate. But being that selling MSG is their business, they work very hard on twisting the truth. Here are the facts of the matter:
1. The opinion that free glutamic acid (the active component in MSG) causes brain damage, is based on data amassed between 1969 and 2021 by neuroscientists studying the brain.
2. No data demonstrating anything to the contrary exist. Those who manufacture and sell MSG say that MSG is harmless or “safe” by pointing to studies that failed to find toxicity. That’s a big difference.
Here’s how it works:
- They claimed to have replicated studies of glutamate induced toxicity from the 1970s without finding toxicity, but they were not true replications. Rather, the methods and materials used in setting up studies and analyzing results prevented identifying evidence of MSG toxicity.
- From the 1980s until it was made public that they were using placebos in their double-blind studies that caused reactions identical to those caused by MSG test material, their claims of “safety” were based on studies that were rigged to exclude the possibility that MSG was anything but “safe.”
- Since being exposed, claims of safety now come from what’s called consensus meetings. These are meetings organized and paid for by the U.S. manufacturer of MSG or their agents where participants discuss the safety of MSG and publish the conclusion that they find it to be “safe.”
MSG is a toxic ingredient. There should be no question about the truth of the matter. In that sense, there really is no controversy.