The Creator didn’t design amino acids to be created outside of the body.
And in 1957 when industry did just that to enhance profits the result was a product that causes reactions like asthma, fibromyalgia, seizures, and migraine headache, brain damage followed by uncontrollable obesity and unrelenting infertility, and that very likely, plays a part in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, autism, macular degeneration, and other abnormalities that are tagged as “glutamate-induced.”
This patented invention is known as glutamic acid or glutamate. If you want to enjoy good health, start by avoiding all free glutamate — not just MSG. Free glutamate will be found in more than 40 different ingredients — making them all toxic just like monosodium glutamate is toxic. With rare exception, you’ll find that processed and ultra-processed foods all containtoxic free glutamate.
The Perfect Poison tells it all, from the names of ingredients that contain free glutamate to how industry riggs the “scientific” studies used to “prove” that their toxic product, MSG, is harmless — with help from the FDA.
The website of The Truth In Labeling Campaign is presently being reworked to supplement the book.
The Perfect Poison is available in print and e-book here.
The Truth in Labeling Campaign website can be accessed at