MSG goes viral!

Last week my Google MSG alert went wild. Could it be that news sites are finally covering the story that monosodium glutamate causes brain damage leading to obesity and infertility?

Turns out the MSG frenzy was about a NY Rangers fan who sucker punched a Tampa Bay Lightning fan at the Madison Square Garden – MSG.

I’d like to see the day that our MSG story goes viral — the one that exposes the FDA/industry lies alleging that MSG and MfG are harmless.   Until that time comes, you can count on the Truth in Labeling Campaign to give you all the facts.

Truth in Labeling Campaign website

Seven Lines of Evidence

Saturday’s Secret: Things the “Glutes” don’t want you to know

Saturday’s Secrets have been moved!

Saturday’s Secrets have been moved from the pages of the Truth in Labeling Campaign to its own website:

There you’ll discover a new secret each Saturday, giving you time to absorb each one and carefully consider the damage that excessive use of free glutamate is doing to human health.

Should you want to lean more immediately, however, below are seven links to evidence of the toxicity of free glutamate that is accumulated from consumption of processed foods, snacks, protein powders and protein drinks, protein substitutes, dietary supplements, enteral care products, infant formula and pharmaceuticals.

1. Seven lines of evidence leading to the conclusion that manufactured free glutamate, no matter where it is found, is excitotoxic:

2. It Wasn’t Alzheimer’s It Was MSG – a true story
Samuels A. (2003):

3. The toxicity/safety of processed free glutamic acid (MSG): a study in suppression of information: Samuels A. Account Res. 1999;6(4):259-310.  doi: 10.1080/08989629908573933. PMID: 11657840.

4. Dose dependent toxicity of glutamic acid: A review
Samuels A. (2020) International Journal of Food Properties, 23:1, 412-419, DOI: 10.1080/10942912.2020.1733016     

5. Adverse reactions known to be caused by MSG:

6. Names of the 40+ ingredients that contain Manufactured free Glutamate (MfG):

7. Seven lines of evidence leading to the conclusion that manufactured free glutamate, no matter where it is found, is excitotoxic, website:

Also, see the Truth in Labeling Campaign website:

Note: It is only since 1957 that there has been sufficient free glutamate available to cause it to be excitotoxic

Excitotoxic free glutamate: The ultimate trade secret

Everyone loves a secret.  Some like to keep them all to themselves.  Kids love to share them with their best friends.

Trade secrets are a very special type of secret that describe practices or processes of a company generally not known outside of the company. They are often products of internal research and development.

Moreover, to be legally considered a trade secret in the United States, a company must make a reasonable effort to conceal the information from the public, the secret must intrinsically have economic value, and the trade secret must contain information.

Trade secrets of the glutamate industry are unique in that they obscure the toxic nature of their products, concealed from public view by a well-coordinated effort that involves both government and private industries.

Glutamate industry fabrications spring from the basic falsehood that monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a harmless, or even beneficial, food additive. They go on to twist the facts of MSG’s chemical structure, lie about the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, fail to define terms and/or define terms to meet their needs, parade half-truths before the public (leaving out anything that might contradict their story), take materials out of context and convert them to their own advantage, cite studies that support their story while ignoring others, recite the history of production and use of MSG (leaving out significant aspects of that story), rig the research presented as evidence that MSG is harmless, and maintain a close working relationship with the FDA.

The Truth in Labeling Campaign has written volumes about the toxic effects of MSG and its free glutamic acid component. With our new blog, Saturday’s Secrets, we’re reducing years or research to simple sound bites, focusing on the multitude of secrets that the glutamate industry doesn’t want you to know.

We invite you to join us for the launch of Saturday’s Secrets on Nov. 20th. Stay tuned for details.

Saturday’s secrets — Best kept secrets of the glutamate industry

It’s not a secret anymore

If your mother was pregnant with you after 1960 and she ate a fair amount of processed food and drank diet soda, chances are that today you’re overweight, and have found that diet and exercise don’t help. That’s because the flavor enhancers in processed food and the aspartic acid in aspartame are excitotoxins that kill/destroy the brain cells that would have controlled satiety, appetite, and food intake had they not been obliterated by flavor-enhancers like MSG, and aspartic acid-containing sweeteners such as aspartame, equal, and others found in low-cal and diet foods and beverages.

Yes, there’s science that says so:

Samuels A. (2020) Dose dependent toxicity of glutamic acid: a review, International Journal of Food Properties, 23:1, 412-419, DOI: 10.1080/10942912.2020.1733016:


Without pregnant women passing excitotoxic – brain damaging – free glutamic acid to fetuses and neonates, there would be no obesity epidemic.

So now that you understand that you’re not lazy, unmotivated or whatever else people are blaming you for, stand tall and be proud of the person you are.  Once you’ve accepted the fact that you have a disability and are not to blame for being overweight, you can work to minimize your disability without beating yourself up for something over which you had no control. Whatever you and your doctors or counselors design for your future can now be based on realistic expectations. Yes, if you choose to modify your weight, there will be limits imposed on you by the brain damage done to you in utero. So, make sure the doctors and counselors you choose are tuned in to help you.