Saturday’s Secrets have been moved from the pages of the Truth in Labeling Campaign to its own website:
There you’ll discover a new secret each Saturday, giving you time to absorb each one and carefully consider the damage that excessive use of free glutamate is doing to human health.
Should you want to lean more immediately, however, below are seven links to evidence of the toxicity of free glutamate that is accumulated from consumption of processed foods, snacks, protein powders and protein drinks, protein substitutes, dietary supplements, enteral care products, infant formula and pharmaceuticals.
1. Seven lines of evidence leading to the conclusion that manufactured free glutamate, no matter where it is found, is excitotoxic:
2. It Wasn’t Alzheimer’s It Was MSG – a true story
Samuels A. (2003):
3. The toxicity/safety of processed free glutamic acid (MSG): a study in suppression of information: Samuels A. Account Res. 1999;6(4):259-310. doi: 10.1080/08989629908573933. PMID: 11657840.
4. Dose dependent toxicity of glutamic acid: A review
Samuels A. (2020) International Journal of Food Properties, 23:1, 412-419, DOI: 10.1080/10942912.2020.1733016
5. Adverse reactions known to be caused by MSG:
6. Names of the 40+ ingredients that contain Manufactured free Glutamate (MfG):
7. Seven lines of evidence leading to the conclusion that manufactured free glutamate, no matter where it is found, is excitotoxic, website:
Also, see the Truth in Labeling Campaign website:
Note: It is only since 1957 that there has been sufficient free glutamate available to cause it to be excitotoxic