Psychologists call it “conditioning.” Pair two items time and time again and it won’t be long before you think they’re one and the same thing. For centuries, “Umami” was a word that meant flavorful and glutamate was an amino acid. Now, because consumers are catching on to the fact that monosodium glutamate can be toxic, Ajinomoto is putting millions of dollars into transforming umami into a synonym for monosodium glutamate. And if they have their way, the brain will have umami receptors instead of glutamate receptors.
Back in the old days when cigarette advertising was allowed, Big Tobacco specialized in a type of manipulation called the “association principle.” Show smokers engaged in fun, wholesome, pleasurable activities again and again and soon you’ll equate lighting up with romance, outdoor fun, and family milestones.
It’s that kind of thing that the Glutes are doing to you – to all of us. Over and over again you see “monosodium glutamate” and “umami” and “taste good” in the same paragraph or even the same sentence. And you see celebrity chefs eulogizing the virtues of umami.
While psychologists call this “conditioning,” interrogation specialists call it “brainwashing.”
If you have questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you. If you have hints for others on how to avoid exposure to MfG, send them along, too, and we’ll put them up on Facebook. Or you can reach us at and follow us on Twitter @truthlabeling.
What does MfG stand for p,ease?
MfG refers to the manufactured free glutamic acid found in monosodium glutamate and other flavor enhancers and processed food ingredients.
In or about 1988, it became apparent that any man-made glutamic acid could cause what we call MSG reactions. That’s why we used to refer to all man-made glutamic acid as MSG. We know better now. We know that monosodium glutamate (MSG) is an ingredient that contains toxic manufactured free glutamic acid (MfG), and that toxic MfG is found in some 40 additional ingredients with names like hydrolyzed pea protein, yeast extract, maltodextrin, and glutamic acid.