Pat recently moved into a retirement community where the food service manager didn’t understand that the poison contained in MSG would be found in lots of the food he was serving. The manager didn’t recognize that the food was every bit as harmful as if he had used MSG.
Pat is smart. She knew he would find the list of the 60-plus dangerous MSG-like ingredients overwhelming. So, Pat printed up cards with the names of ingredients she felt would be most important for everyone to avoid and shared it with him.
Here’s the card Pat printed up:
I am extremely sensitive to ANY ingredients containing MSG. Please be sure that nothing with these words is in my food order. If in doubt, show me the ingredient list.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
glutamate or glutamic acid
Hydrolyzed/glutamic acid
Bouillon/broth stock
Flavor(s) flavoring(s)
Yeast extract
Soy sauce
Now, the food is healthier, and the food service manager looks good too.